Produse Laleli

Laleli puffs, loved by kids!

Laleli corn puffs - tasty, fluffy and cheap, obtained through an original recipe and a technological process in full compliance with EU norms, they are a real treat for both children and the elderly. We make daily efforts to improve the quality, but also to constantly increase the range of our products.

bol pufuleti dulci rosu
bol pufuleti dulci mov
bol pufuleti dulci albastru
bol pufuleti dulci verde

Pufuleți dulci

Boluri în diverse culori 120g
pufuleti cu aroma de ceapa si smantana laleli

Appetizer corn puffs

with onion and sour cream flavour - 25g


Appetizer corn puffs

with cheese flavour - 25g

Pufuleti cu paprika

Appetizer corn puffs

with paprika - 40g

Pufuleti cu sare

Appetizer corn puffs

with salt - 40g

pufuleti colorati 40g

Sweet corn puffs

Corn bips - 40g

Sweet corn puffs

Corn bips - 25g

pufuleti colorati pahar

Sweet corn puffs

Corn bips - 15 g

vata de zahar

Cotton candy

la pahar - 20g

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Suntem mereu bucuroși să vedem desenele voastre pe care ni le puteți trimite în continuare pe pagina noastră de Facebook.


Our company was founded in 2012, it is located in Baia Mare, Maramureș county. We produce corn puffs and cotton candy. Our principal capital is the human one, a dedicated team made up of 18 employees.


Special attention is paid to the system of distributing Laleli corn puffs, which is done through our own means of transportation, ensuring the quality of the product from the producer to the distributor, in almost every county in the country.

The presence of our products on the foreign market is ensured both through our own means of transportation, as well as through national distributors. piața externă se realizează atȃt prin distribuția cu mijloace de transport proprii, cȃt și prin distribuitorii naționali.

Talk with us!

Pentru a ne contacta, folosește datele de contact de mai jos.
